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Young International Contest Of Contemporary Art 2020

    Young International Contest Of Contemporary Art 2020 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  April 9, 2020 - expired! March 13, 2020
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Moho Association is pleased to announce the YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art 2020 and calls for works by artists from any part of the world. The competition's aim is to promote the enrolled artists, giving them chance to join the international market of contemporary art.

    The competition is open to all types of artwork and all techniques are allowed.

    YICCA contest is a huge chance for the artists, which can win a cash prize and have the opportunity to exhibit the submitted works in an art space in Milan.

    All works will be presented by a picture or a video that must be followed by a description of the work. All works must be available for the final exhibition and have to be artist's property. You can enter with a work that has already participated in other competitions.

    Entry fee starts at 45 EUR (approx. 50 USD).


    Open worldwide to all artists and groups of artists.


    The first and second classified will receive a money prize of value respectively of 3000 EUR and 1000 EUR. Jury’s final decision will lead to a selection of 18 artists that will participate in the final exhibition, planned for June 2020 in Milan (Italy).

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