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DX Emerging Designer Competition

    DX Emerging Designer Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  September 30, 2013 - expired! August 16, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The Design Exchange (DX) is Canada’s only museum dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of design excellence and preservation of design heritage. At a crossroads of multiple disciplines from furniture and architecture to graphics and fashion, DX exhibitions and talks reflect popular contemporary culture.

    This year Design Exchange is excited to announce the inaugural Emerging Designer Competition, an amazing national competition that seeks to provide an unparalleled opportunity for emerging Canadian designers to gain recognition and exposure, while celebrating the immense and diverse design talent in Canada.

    Designers are asked to submit:

    • A cover letter to act as an introduction
    • A digital copy of their portfolio
    • A copy of their CV
    • Two reference letters
    • A short video outlining their design practice and what this opportunity means for them professionally

    A jury comprised of design heavyweights, including Heather Reisman, Marcel Wanders, and Douglas Coupland, as well as representatives from RBC will review all valid entries.

    Jurors will select the Emerging Designer of 2013 and secondary winners based on evidence that the work is innovative, unprecedented and viable.

    There is no entry fee.


    Participation is open to all Canadian designers with no more than five years of
    professional industry experience, across all disciplines. Projects submitted should be
    realized work, or be in the process of being realized.


    The winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000, and will also be partnered with a curatorial mentor who will aid them in the development of an exhibition to be featured at the Design Exchange in January of 2014, to coincide with Toronto’s internationally celebrated Design Week.

    Secondary awards will be presented, including best of category awards, where participants may receive a $1,000 cash prize.

    All winning and honourable mention work will be featured onsite at the Design Exchange during the 2014 Design Week, in an awards publication and in an online exhibition.

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