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100 Best Arabic Posters Design Competition

    100 Best Arabic Posters Design Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Graphic Design
     Deadline:  February 29, 2016 - expired! December 10, 2015
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    2016 is going to be the year when 22 arab countries, united by one language, come together to communicate and contribute to the evolution of arab graphic design across the region.

    100 Best Arabic Posters is the first poster design competition honouring the best 100 Posters from all over the Arabic World. The non-profit organisation based in Cairo organising this contest aims to revive and embrace the diversity of the Arab world's visual language, solely through collected and selected Arabic posters. The mission is to appraise the importance of poster design as a modern, contemporary medium of communication in and for the region.

    There are three categories:

    • Poster work produced for any commercial, social or cultural purpose
    • Poster work produced for self-promotional purpose
    • Student posters realised within an academical context and guidance

    Submissions must be in Arabic language, must have been previously published and have to be maximum three years old (designed after January 1, 2013). You can submit as many posters as you like.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to all individuals, design collectives or firms, as long as they live in the Arab world and their work got produced and published there.


    The best 100 posters will be digitally archived and conserved in a publication to curate the travel exhibition as a timeless documentation of the evolution of Arabic graphic design.

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