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Penguin Design Award 2015

    Penguin Design Award 2015 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Students Only
     Deadline:  March 11, 2015 - expired! November 2, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Penguin Design Award is an opportunity for students on an Art or Design course at HND or degree level to engage in design for publishing during their studies and to experience real cover and page layout design briefs first-hand.

    To make the process even more similar to the way Penguin’s designers work, once the judges have selected the shortlist, the Art Directors will give the shortlisted entrants feedback and further art direction on their submissions. Shortlisted entrants will then be invited to resubmit their work, taking all the comments on board, before the final round of judging.

    Students may enter one design in three categories:

    • Adult Fiction Cover Award
    • Adult Non-Fiction Cover Award
    • Children’s Cover Award

    « We value creativity and design incredibly highly, and started the Penguin Random House Design Award nine years ago to encourage the next generation of designers to use their amazing talents to help us tell our author’s stories. I am always impressed with the quality of submissions and I look forward to seeing what this year’s talent has to offer. » (Tom Weldon, CEO, Penguin Random House UK)

    All entries must be supplied digitally via a link which will be available on the contest’s website from Wednesday 14 January 2015.

    There is no entry fee.


    The 2015 Award is open to all students on an Art or Design course at HND or degree level. It is also open to MA students. The award is not open to students on an Art Foundation course.

    Non-UK residents are welcomed, but all entrants must be eligible to work in the UK so that, if they win first prize, they can be employed on the work placement.


    A first, second and third-prize winner will be selected for each category.

    The 1st Prize winner will be invited to spend four weeks in the Penguin Random House Design Studio on a work placement, working on live briefs. The work placement will be paid at a rate of £50 a day (subject to any applicable taxation) and the winner will also receive a cash prize of £1,000 (approx. 1,600 USD).

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