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Interview with Davide Bonazzi

    Interview with Davide Bonazzi | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Spotlights

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    I was born and raised in Bologna, Italy, and now I live between Turin and Bologna. After a degree at the faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Bologna, I attended illustration courses at IED - European Institute of Design in Milan and at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna.

    I was still studying there when I got my first assignments for Italian magazines, newspapers and publishing houses. After a few years, I decided to focus on the US market. Today I work as freelance illustrator for publishers, advertisers and institutions worldwide. I love doing conceptual images to represent complex issues, especially about today's society, possibly with a hint of irony and wittiness.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I'm currently working on several illustrations for magazines, and on a big advertising project for a university in the US.

    What does a typical working day look like?

    It depends on what I have to do every day. Sometimes my schedule is crazy busy and I work hard all day long, and even evening. Some other times my day is quieter, so I can find the time to do sports, meet friends or working on personal projects. This until a client might call for a rush job, then I have to run back to the desktop!

    What tools do you use most for your work?

    I work with a Wacom Cintiq on a Mac. My favourite software is Photoshop.

    What skills have you learnt along the way?

    Basically, I learnt how to be a professional. This means that I learnt how to deal with tight deadlines, busy schedules, picky clients, and overall, how to do better illustrations. This job can make one learn a lot about himself.

    What advice would you give to a young creative?

    Just keep pursuing your goal with all your strength because it's a very competitive field, and keep having pleasure in doing art. Be humble, think yourself not as an artist, but as a visual communicator. Never stop learning, never feel accomplished. Be yourself, take inspiration from everyone, but don't imitate anyone.

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