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World Press Photo Contest 2015

    World Press Photo Contest 2015 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  January 14, 2015 - expired! November 30, 2014
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    The annual World Press Photo Contest is at the core of World Press Photo’s activities and it has come to be regarded as the most prestigious international award for photojournalism in the world. It offers an overview of how press photographers tackle their work worldwide and how the press gives us the news, bringing together pictures from all parts of the globe to reflect trends and developments in photojournalism.

    The main overall prize, the World Press Photo of the Year, is awarded for the single photograph that is not only the photo-journalistic encapsulation the year, but represents an issue, situation or event of great journalistic importance, and does so in a way that demonstrates an outstanding level of visual perception and creativity.

    Judging takes place at the beginning of February each year. The contest jury comprises 19 picture editors, photographers and representatives of press agencies from different parts of the world, with widely divergent backgrounds. This brings to the process a breadth of experience, a variety of perception and a contrast in viewpoint that keeps judging dynamic and bolsters objectivity. This year the contest is headed by jury chair Michele McNally, assistant managing editor of The New York Times.


    • General News
    • Spot News
    • Contemporary Issues
    • Daily Life
    • Portraits
    • Nature
    • Sports
    • Long-Term Projects

    Please note, a username and password are required to enter and can be requested on 1 December until 8 January 2015. The final deadline for submissions is 14 January 2015.

    There is no entry fee


    All professional press photographers, photo agencies, newspapers and magazines from anywhere in the world are invited to submit their best news-related pictures from the previous year.


    The jury gives first, second, and third prizes in all categories. First-prize winners in each category receive a cash prize of 1,500 EUR (approx. 1,860 USD). Winners of second and third prizes, and those receiving honorable mention, receive a Golden Eye Award and a diploma.

    The premier award, the World Press Photo of the Year, carries a cash prize of 10,000 EUR (approx. 12,440 USD). In addition, Canon will donate a professional DSLR camera and lens kit to the winning photographer.

    The annual Awards Days, a two-day celebration of the prizewinners, takes place in Amsterdam on 24-25 April 2015. The prize-winning pictures are presented in an exhibition that travels year-round to about 100 cities in 45 countries.

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