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Urban Photographer Of The Year Competition

    Urban Photographer Of The Year Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  August 31, 2013 - expired! July 31, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The Urban Photographer of the Year will be the person who, in the eyes of the judges, has best captured the brief to portray the life of a town or city at a given time of day. Whilst the photograph does not necessarily have to be taken at that specific time of day, it does need to look as though it was.

    You can choose to photograph any town or city at work worldwide. For example, a photograph could capture London at 4am, Lisbon at 2pm, Dubai at 9pm and so on.

    When you submit your photographs you will be asked to select which hour of the day each represents - this will place each in an hourly prize category. Please note, you can only submit one photograph for each hour of the day (a total maximum of 24 images).

    You will also be given the option to enter each under one of six new categories based around urban themes:

    • Travel/Transport - Travel is a vital part of any urban landscape; the Travel/Transport category will house your pictures of modes of transport, journeys and movement.

    • Workplace - This category will showcase the very best of the competition’s images of people at, or places of, work.

    • Architecture - Architecture and the built environment is an integral part of urban society. Here we ask you to submit imaginative shots that capture the history, atmosphere and character of a city’s buildings.

    • Urban regeneration - Urban regeneration is seen as essential to revitalising impoverished urban areas, developing communities and improving the infrastructure of society. We are seeking the most thought provoking images depicting how these projects are transforming our urban environment.

    • Cityscape - By day or night, many city’s have distinctive skyline’s. Can you capture the life and stature of an urban landscape in one photograph?

    • Environment - Integrating environmental thinking into urban development has resulted in much creativity as cities seek to breathe fresh air into the hustle and bustle of daily life. We’re looking for images that have demonstrated green thinking.

    Moreover, this year sees the introduction of a student competition which will run alongside the main competition. When submitting your entries, please indicate that you are a student and please use your university email address as your main contact.

    Images should be no smaller than 2MB and no larger than 3MB. Images should be in JPEG format. All images must be saved in the RGB colour model and be at a minimum of 300 dpi. Please note that you'll be contacted by email for the higher resolution image should we require your image for our coffee table book.

    Images that are taken on camera phones can be entered into the competition. These images should still be no smaller than 2MB in order to enter them.

    The entrant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright and all other rights in all images, which they enter. Images that have won prizes in other competitions are not eligible for this competition.

    There is no entry fee.


    Anyone over 16 years of age can enter this competition.


    CBRE is providing prizes for the top three finalists of The Urban Photographer of the Year.

    All the winners will be notified in September 2013.

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