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The Nature Conservancy 2013 Photo Contest

    The Nature Conservancy 2013 Photo Contest | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  September 7, 2013 - expired! June 14, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The Nature Conservancy is one of the leading conservation organizations working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

    They are looking for striking digital images to celebrate people and nature - and their important connection to each other.

    Your images should highlight the diversity of life on Earth, including portraits of wildlife in natural habitat, animal behavior, the relationship between people and nature, plant life, weather, and seasons.

    They are especially interested in images that showcase the wide range of habitats across our planet, including:

    • Forests
    • Grasslands
    • Freshwater - lakes and rivers
    • Deserts and arid lands
    • Marine – coral reefs, oceans and coasts

    Please do not include photographs of pets or domestic animals. Images of captive animals photographed in zoos and commercial game farms are also prohibited, however photos from state and national wildlife preserves are allowed.

    All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified. Multiple exposures that have been combined to produce a single "High Dynamic Range" image are acceptable.

    To ensure eligibility for the contest all entries must have a resolution of 6 million pixels or greater (6 megapixels) to be made available upon request.

    You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit, including ownership if applicable.

    There is no entry fee.


    The contest is open worldwide to all photographers at least 18 years of age.


    The judging panel will select approximately 50 photos to be the contest’s Finalists and Honorable Mentions. The general public will select the Grand Prize Winner by popular vote from a pool of Finalists determined by the judging panel. There is a limit of one vote per person.

    The grand-prize winner’s image will be printed on the cover of the 2015 Nature Conservancy calendar. Other finalist images will also be featured throughout the calendar. All entrants featured in the calendar will receive a copy of the calendar.

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