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The 5th Zebra Photography Awards

    The 5th Zebra Photography Awards | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  December 31, 2016 - expired! October 13, 2016
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Black and white photography is as simple as it is complex, carefully weaving streaks of light into the black-unknown, giving rise to lines, shapes, textures, emotions and stories. TZIPAC is proud to celebrate this magic of black and white photography with The 5th Zebra Award.

    There are four categories:

    • Abstract and Contemporary
    • Fine Art and Open
    • Landscape and Nature
    • People and Animals

    The entry process is split into two stages:

    Stage 1 - entry fee is just 1 USD per image with the judging being carried out by the TZIPAC Editorial team. The very low entry fee is designed to encourage a broader range of artists to participate, in the hope of discovering a multitude of marvelous artworks from budding undiscovered artists as well as established professionals, without geographic boundaries or limitations. Achieving a status of Stage 1 Accepted will allow you to promote your artwork with the TZIPAC E-badge.

    Stage 2 - all Stage 1 Accepted images will be invited for ongoing submission to Stage 2 at a cost of 20 USD per image, with the total fees capped at 100 USD. Stage 2 will be judged by specially invited Juror(s) whose scores will determine the Finalists, Category Winners and the TZIPAC Black and White Photographer of the Year.

    Images must be in JPG/JPEG format, 8 bit, 1500pixels on the longest side, 72 dpi, and have maximum file size of 300KB. Colour space should be RGB or sRGB. Images must have no border, nor marks or logos identifying the artists. All images must be monochrome, i.e. grayscale or toning with just one colour. The colour space can be gray scale or RGB.

    The copyrights of submitted artworks will remain with the artists at all times.


    Open to any photographers worldwide who are 18 years and over. The competition will not distinguish between professionals and non-professionals.


    • Grand Prize: title of TZIPAC Black and White Photographer of the Year, 2000 USD cash prize, Iblazr 2 Wireless Flash Gift Packs from Concepter, TZIPAC Medal and an invitation to be Featured Artist in the Zebra Magazine.

    Moreover, each category will have up to three winners, 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place, at the discretion of the judges.

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