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Renaissance Photography Prize 2015

    Renaissance Photography Prize 2015 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  June 18, 2015 - expired! March 30, 2015
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    UPDATE: deadline extended to June 18, 2015.

    Renaissance Photography Prize is an international award that showcases outstanding photography from emerging and established photographers while raising funds to support young women with cancer.

    Now in its eighth year, the prize is looking to discover talent and celebrate the best in photography, giving image makers access to new opportunities and world-wide audience for their work.

    The following Single-image categories are available

    • Journey
    • Human
    • Line

    The Series category is instead an open category. All projects are eligible regardless of subject or theme, providing the photographs entered are related and part of the same body of work.

    You can enter as many images as you wish. Entries may be taken using digital or film. Retouching/manipulation of digital images is accepted provided that all works are original works and not copies of other people’s works.

    You retain copyright of your entries.

    Entry fees start at 18 GBP (approx. 26 USD).


    Open to all professional and amateur photographers worldwide. If you are under 16 you must have a parent or legal guardian's permission to enter.


    Twelve images in each category will be selected by the judges and exhibited at the Renaissance Photography Prize exhibition which will take place in London in late Autumn 2015.

    • Best Single Image and Series Prize:
    + £1000 Cash Prize
    + £800 Metro Imaging printing/framing
    + 3 x 20 min portfolio reviews
    + Self Publish, Be Happy Book Club - 1 year Membership
    + Mentoring from a top Getty Images contributor
    + Professional editing session with Metro Imaging
    + HOTSHOE Magazine - 1 year subscription

    All photographers selected for exhibition will also receive the 2015 Exhibition Catalogue.

    In addition to the above prizes, one of the selected photographers in the show will be nominated by HOTSHOE Commissioning Editor Gregory Barker, for a feature of their work in the magazine. The chosen artist will be announced at the award ceremony and notified in writing shortly after.

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