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Renaissance Photography Prize 2014

    Renaissance Photography Prize 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  April 28, 2014 - expired! February 4, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Renaissance Photography Prize is an international competition showcasing outstanding photography from emerging or established photographers. Renaissance is run entirely by volunteers, and all the entry fee is donated to the Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care. Every penny goes to charity.

    The following single image categories are available:

    • Belonging
    • Expression
    • Transition

    The series format is instead an open category. All projects are eligible regardless of subject or theme, providing the photographs entered are related and part of the same body of work.

    You can enter as many images as you wish to the Competition. Entries may be taken using digital or film. Retouching / manipulation of digital images is accepted provided that all works are original works and not copies of other people’s works. You retain copyright of your Entries.

    All Entries, whether taken digitally or on film, must be submitted electronically. Scans from film or prints are acceptable. Entries must be JPEG files of no more than 1800 pixels on the longest side and not more than 2 MB in file size.

    Entry fee:

    • £15 for a single entry (approx. $23)
    • £25 for up to 3 entries (approx. $40)
    • £40 for up to 6 entries (approx. $60)

    Entries received and paid for before the 28 February 2014 will receive an early bird discount (30%) on entry fees.


    The competition is open to professional and amateur photographers worldwide. If you are under 16 you must have a parent or legal guardian’s permission to enter.


    From the Finalist Images, the judges will select 12 images (3 single images in each category of the Single-image Competition and 3 series in the Series Competition) as the shortlist. From the Shortlist the judges will choose:

    • Two overall winners (the Renaissance Prize Winner in the Single-image Competition and the Renaissance Prize Winner in the Series Competition)
    • One category winner in each of the 3 categories (the Category Winners)
    • One runner-up of the Series Competition

    Prize winners will be announced and prizes awarded at the awards ceremony in London. If any prize winners are unable to attend the Awards Ceremony their prize money will be transferred to them (less bank charges) within 10 days of the exhibition. All photographers selected for exhibition will also receive the 2014 Exhibition Catalogue.

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