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Print Center 88th International Competition

    Print Center 88th International Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  October 31, 2013 - expired! September 27, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The Print Center’s Annual International Competition is one of the most prestigious and oldest competitions in the United States. The Print Center is particularly interested in highlighting local, national and international artists who utilize photography and printmaking in intriguing ways, both in content and process.

    Artists who use printmaking and/or photography as critical components of their work, or whose work pushes the boundaries of traditional photographic and printmaking practices, are encouraged to enter. Up to five images may be submitted and only one submission per person.

    Accepted formats:

    • Images: Up to 5 MB/each: jpg, png, gif
    • Videos: Up to 60 MB/each: mov, wmv, flv, mp4

    The entry fee is $45 and it includes a one-year Artist Level Membership to The Print Center.


    All artists using photography and/or printmaking as critical components in their works can enter. Work submitted must have been completed in the last three years.


    • Three solo exhibitions at The Print Center to be held June-July 2014
    • Online exhibition, Philadelphia Museum of Art Purchase Award
    • Two-year contract from The Print Center Gallery Store
    • Up to $3,000 in purchase, cash and material prizes

    Moreover, the Print Center will facilitate sales for the solo and online exhibitions of the Competition.

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