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Monochrome Photography Awards 2016

    Monochrome Photography Awards 2016 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  November 20, 2016 - expired! March 31, 2016
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Monochrome Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for Professional and Amateur photographers. Its mission is to celebrate monochrome visions and discover most amazing photographers from around the world.

    There are thirteen categories:

    • Abstract
    • Advertising
    • Architecture
    • Fashion / Beauty
    • Fine Art
    • Landscapes
    • Nature
    • Nude
    • People
    • Photojournalism
    • Photo-manipulation
    • Portrait
    • Wildlife

    The competition is open to all points of view, all levels of expertise and all ideas of Black and White photography. There are no restrictions on the date of a photograph. Digitally manipulated images are accepted, although within reason and taste.

    Toned images (like sepia, selenium, etc.) will be also accepted. Images may be captured using film or digital. There is no limit to the number of individual images each artist may submit. Winning entrants must be able to provide a high resolution digital file (minimum 2000px wide, 300dpi).

    Copyright of the images will remain at all times with the photographer.

    Entry fee (before July 3, 2016 you can submit 2 for 1):

    • Professional: 20 USD/Single Entry
    • Amateur: 15 USD/Single Entry


    Open worldwide to any professional and amateur photographer over 18 years of age.


    The winners of the Professional and Amateur sections will receive the titles: Monochrome Photographer of the Year and Monochrome Discovery of the Year and cash prizes.

    Moreover, the work of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners (together with further entries that the judges feel are worthy of commendation) from both the professional and amateur sections will be published in Monochrome Photography Awards Annual Book.

    All names of the Honorable Mention winners will be also included in the book.

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