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Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award 2023

    Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award 2023 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  October 20, 2023 - expired! August 12, 2023
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The 27th Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, organized by Médicos del Mundo Spain, holds a profound purpose: to recognize and disseminate powerful images that capture the essence of social inequities, injustices, and human rights abuses, as well as the critical situations that either perpetuate these challenges or strive to combat them. Through the lens of photography, this prestigious award aims to shed light on the untold stories, the silent struggles, and the resilience of individuals and communities facing adversity worldwide.

    The competition’s name, honoring the memory of Luis Valtueña, a renowned photographer and dedicated humanitarian aid worker, also pays tribute to the three other members of the association who tragically lost their lives while carrying out their duties in Rwanda (1997) and Bosnia (1995). These individuals embodied a profound commitment to humanitarian values, and their legacy continues to inspire others to use photography as a powerful medium to advocate for social change and human rights.

    As participants in this call for entries, photographers are invited to explore and capture the profound realities experienced by vulnerable populations, the impact of armed conflicts, the hardships faced by refugee and migrant populations, and the dedicated efforts of humanitarian action and international cooperation. Whether focusing on the consequences of natural disasters, the plight of marginalized groups, or the violation of fundamental human rights, each image becomes a voice that resonates with the global audience, urging collective action and empathy. With each entry, artists have the opportunity to ignite conversations, provoke emotions, and evoke empathy, furthering the goal of raising awareness and inspiring positive change through the lens of human experiences.

    Entrants should provide personal and contact details, a biography, a series of 5 to 10 photographs, and a description of the project presented with captions. At least 50% of the images must have been taken between 2022 and 2023.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to photographers worldwide.


    The winner will receive a cash prize of 6,000 EUR (approx. 6,580 USD) and have their work published in the catalog and displayed in a collective and itinerant exhibition organized by Médicos del Mundo Spain. Travel and lodging expenses for two nights will be covered for chosen entrants attending the award ceremony and exhibition opening. The chosen images and their authors will be widely promoted for at least one year through various channels.

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