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Luis Valtueña Photography Award 2017

    Luis Valtueña Photography Award 2017 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  November 10, 2017 - expired! August 3, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Médicos del Mundo presents the Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, now in its 21st consecutive year, to denounce the situation of millions of people in the World.

    This award comes as a tribute to and in recognition of Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera, Manuel Madrazo, and Mercedes Navarro, Médicos del Mundo aid workers killed in Rwanda in 1997 and in Bosnia in 1995 while performing their duties as international humanitarian aid workers. Their memory serves to ensure that each year victims of injustice are brought to light, give them a voice through your gaze.

    Entries must be related to any of the following themes:

    • Humanitarian action
    • International cooperation
    • Social exclusion

    Each participant can submit a maximum of ten photographs, which can be part of a series or standalone. The photographs may be in black and white or colour. Only photos taken between January 2016 and October 2017, and which have not been previously entered, will be accepted.

    Photographs must be sent in digital format with a minimum resolution of 300 ppp in the format JPEG with RGB color profile. The images should be in of high quality compression and with the minimum size being 30cm on the shortest side.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to adult amateur and professional photographers of any nationality.


    The first prize winner will receive a project grant worth 6,000 Euro (approx. 7,095 USD) to develop a photo project related to the work of Médicos del Mundo, whether in Spain or another country. The project will have to be finished before December 15, 2017.

    Along with the winning entries, other photos will be selected from all those submitted to form part of a travelling national and international exhibition.

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