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LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2024

    LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2024 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  June 19, 2024 - expired! June 12, 2024
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    The LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2024 is a prestigious international competition that invites photographers from around the globe to submit their most compelling street photography. This annual event is designed to highlight the vibrant, pulsating life of streets worldwide, capturing the essence of everyday moments through the lens of skilled photographers. Participants are encouraged to transform ordinary instants into profound visual narratives, showcasing the unpredictability and dynamic nature of street life. This competition not only celebrates the art of street photography but also provides a significant platform for photographers to gain global recognition and exposure.

    LensCulture, known for its commitment to discovering and promoting contemporary photography, offers this competition as a unique opportunity for photographers to elevate their work from hidden gems in their portfolios to celebrated art pieces on a global stage. Entries are showcased in an online gallery and featured in daily social media feeds, reaching a vast audience even before the official judging begins. This extensive pre-judging exposure helps participants connect with a broader audience, including potential clients, gallery owners, and photography enthusiasts from over 150 countries.

    Winning photographers will enjoy a range of prestigious prizes, including $10,000 in cash awards, publication on LensCulture, and inclusion in a group exhibition at Photo London, one of the world’s leading photography fairs. Additionally, winners will benefit from visibility with industry insiders and creative professionals, as well as international press exposure. This competition serves as a significant career boost, providing winners with opportunities to have their work featured at international photo festivals and in major publications such as BBC, The Guardian, and The Washington Post.


    Open to all, worldwide.


    The LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2024 offers $10,000 in cash awards. Winners will have their work published on LensCulture, exhibited at Photo London, and featured in international photo festival projections. Additionally, winning photographers will gain visibility with industry insiders and receive international press exposure, providing opportunities for significant career advancement and global recognition.

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