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LensCulture Art Photography Awards 2022

    LensCulture Art Photography Awards 2022 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  December 15, 2021 - expired! November 16, 2021
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The LensCulture Art Photography Awards aim to celebrate talented visual artists around the world who are using photographic processes and images to realize their creative ideas.

    There are no limits or definitions for this award, all kinds of submissions are welcome, from conceptual work and prints made for gallery walls, to images made from alternative processes, to totally new forms and formats that speak to our digital age.

    You may submit a single photos or series (in this case, your submission should work as a group, thematically or aesthetically).

    You may submit one photo for free (10 USD for each additional photo). 5 single-image entries, judged individually (not as a series): 35 USD. Max 10 photographs, judged as a series: 45 USD.


    Open worldwide to all photographers over the age of 18.


    Series Prize Winners
    1st Place: 3,500 USD
    2nd Place: 2,000 USD
    3rd Place: 1,000 USD

    Single Image Prize Winners
    1st Place: 2,000 USD
    2nd Place: 1,000 USD
    3rd Place: 500 USD

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