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Lens Culture International Exposure Awards 2013

    Lens Culture International Exposure Awards 2013 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  October 31, 2013 - expired! September 25, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Lens Culture Exposure Awards 2013 is the fifth annual global photography competition by Lens Culture, one of the most authoritative resources for contemporary photography.

    The Awards are open to all types of photography and all levels of expertise, and they are divided in two sections:

    • Portfolio Awards - for entering a series of 5-10 images
    • Single Image Awards - for entering one great image

    For good image quality and fast upload, your image files should be less than 5 MB each, and sized to a maximum of 2000 pixels on the long side. The international jury will review each of the photos on screen only.

    All photographers retain full copyrights for their own work.

    Entry fee:

    • Portfolio section: $75 for 5-10 images, $5 for each additional image, no limit.
    • Single Image section: $35 for first image, $5 for each additional entry, no limit.

    Early bird deadline: 30 September 2013, save 20% on entry fees.


    The competition is open to professional and amateur photographers worldwide over 18 years of age.


    Three cash-prize winners ($2,500, $1,000, $500) will be selected for the Portfolio Awards, and three cash-prize winners ($1,500, $500, and $250) will be selected for the Single Image Awards.

    In addition, 25 Finalists will be displayed on the Winners’ page in LensCulture. Winning photographs may be included in traveling group gallery exhibitions and/or screenings and projections at arts institutions and festivals worldwide.

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