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Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2017

    Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2017 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  May 5, 2017 - expired! February 22, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    UPDATE: deadline extended to May 5, 2017.

    Now in its 9th year, the Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards continues to engage the global photographic community with the 2017 Call for Entries. KLPA remains committed to promoting international contemporary portrait photography from South East Asia and the rest of the world, by rewarding some of the top photographers in the portraiture genre.

    As in previous years, it seeks fresh and innovative photography from new, emerging and established photographers from around the world. There are two categories:

    • Single Image (Open Theme)
    • Single Image/Photo stories (Themed Category)

    This year's themed category is: Defining Family.

    The traditional definition of a family is a married man and woman, with their own children living together as a household. Today, more families comprise of unmarried couples, single parents, adopted children or same-sex couples and there are more inter-racial marriages and teen-age parental structures than ever. For our 2017 theme category, show your photographic portrayal of typical or unique 'family' portraits - single images or photo-stories. It is open to all interpretations on the theme - private moments, humorous snaps, poignant and traditional, imagined concepts, radical or avant-garde.

    Portrait may be interpreted in its widest sense, in relation to photography concerned with portraying people with emphasis on their identity as individuals in relation to their surroundings, status and humanity.

    All photographs must have been taken in 2016 and 2017 or part of an on-going project. Basic darkroom techniques (e.g. levels, curves, dodging, burning, minimal sharpening, colour correction) are permissible. Photographs can be Black and White or Colour, in any format. Entrants can enter more than one category, up to 10 images for each category.

    The Photographer retains the copyright of all submitted images at all times.

    Early Bird rates from 1 - 20 March 2017:
    • 10 USD per image (1-5 images)
    • 8 USD per additional image up to maximum 10 images
    • 55 USD per series (5-10 images)


    Open to photographers from all over the world, including professionals, amateurs, keen hobbyists and students. All contestants must be 16 years of age or over on 30th April 2017.


    A total of up to 13,500 USD in prize-money, workshop spots with Obscura Festival and Invisible Photographer Asia plus three special KLPA commissioned unique trophies to cherish. In addition, a special issue portfolio feature and interview by POSITIIV Photography Magazine will be offered to one Special Select Juror prize winner.
    All prizewinners will also be invited to attend the Awards Presentation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2017 in conjunction with a major public exhibition of the 50 winners and finalists portraits at Whitebox gallery situated at PUBLIKA. All overseas prizewinners will be accommodated in the city centre.

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