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International Photography Awards 2022

    International Photography Awards 2022 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  August 14, 2022 - expired! March 26, 2022
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The International Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for professional, amateur, and student photographers globally, creating one of the most ambitious and comprehensive competitions in the photography world today.

    Their mission is to salute the achievements of the world’s finest photographers, discover new and emerging talent, and promote the appreciation of photography.

    Professional photographers will be judged against other professionals and non-professionals against other non-professionals and students.

    Copyright and all other rights remain that of the photographer.

    Entry fee starts from 15 USD.


    Open worldwide to photographers of all levels of expertise, 18 years of age or older.


    The 13 Category winners in the Professional Categories will each receive a 1,000 USD cash prize, and the 13 Category winners in the Non-Professional Categories will each receive a 500 USD prize. Each of the above winners will also receive two tickets to attend the Lucie Awards Gala in New York city.

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