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Humanity Photo Awards 2017

    Humanity Photo Awards 2017 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  April 15, 2017 - expired! October 20, 2016
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Humanity Photo Awards, a biennial photography contest organised by CFPA and supported by UNESCO, is calling upon photographers worldwide to record the changes and evolution of various folk cultures in a genuine, vivid and profound way; to record, spread and share the multi-cultures of the world with the aim of enhancing mutual understanding and exchanges of human beings and promoting the world peace and development; to contribute to the World Folklore Photo Museum with world culture records.

    Entrants are required to submit photo stories/portfolios (8 to 14 photos for each set) according to the following categories:

    • Portrait & Costume
    • Architecture
    • Living Custom
    • Production & Commerce
    • Festivities
    • Traditional Rites

    There is no time limit as to when the photos were taken. They can be taken on one occasion or over a period of time. Only the necessary retouching which does not alter the original appearance of the photo is allowed. Photos must be uploaded with .jpg format, size between 1MB and 4MB.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to everyone worldwide.


    Five awards will be offered in accordance with the judging criteria:

    • Grand Awards
    • Documentary Awards
    • Jury’s Special Awards
    • Nomination Awards
    • Performance Awards

    All prize-winning photographers will be invited to attend the Award Ceremony and related events.

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