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Hellerau Photography Award 2018

    Hellerau Photography Award 2018 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  November 12, 2017 - expired! June 26, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Organised by the European Center for the Arts Dresden, the Hellerau Photography Award 2018 is open to analogue as well as digital portrait photographs or photographic series dealing with the topic of "Presence", and depicting pictures of people in the widest sense, ranging from nude studies to group photographs.

    The photographs may be edited, and they should be submitted in digital format for the 1st round.

    Entry fee: 20 Euro per photo and 30 Euro per series (of up to ten photos).


    Open worldwide to anyone aged 18 or over.


    • 1st prize: 5,000 EUR (approx. 5,585 USD)
    • 2nd prize: 2,000 EUR (approx. 2,230 USD)
    • 3rd prize: 1,000 EUR (approx. 1,115 USD)
    • 4th prize: a six-week artist’s residency at HELLERAU – Center for the Arts

    Moreover, the best contributions were shown in an exhibition at Festspielhaus Hellerau throughout February 2018.

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