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Head On Photo Awards 2024

    Head On Photo Awards 2024 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  July 16, 2024 - 14 days left April 9, 2024
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    The Head On Photo Awards 2024 stands as a cornerstone of creativity and innovation in the global photographic community. Established as Australia’s most prestigious photography competition, it welcomes the participation of both emerging and established photographers from around the world, offering them a unique platform to showcase their artistry. By embracing all genres, interpretations, and styles of photography, the awards encourage a diverse range of submissions, from captivating landscapes and powerful portraits to thought-provoking environmental narratives and beyond.

    This illustrious competition is distinguished by its commitment to an anonymous judging process, ensuring that entries are evaluated solely on their merit. Such an approach guarantees fairness and impartiality, providing an equal opportunity for all participants, regardless of their reputation or level of experience. The judging panel is composed of esteemed leaders within the Australian and international photography communities, including curators, picture editors, educators, and professional photographers. Their collective expertise ensures a comprehensive assessment of each submission, evaluating its strength, cohesion, originality, and the photographer’s connection with the subject matter.

    The Head On Photo Awards not only celebrate artistic excellence but also offer photographers an unparalleled opportunity for exposure. Winners and finalists gain the chance to exhibit their work at the Head On Photo Festival, Australia’s leading international photography event, thereby reaching a wide audience of photography enthusiasts, peers, and industry professionals. The generous prize pool, which totals $70,000, further underscores the awards’ commitment to supporting photographers in their creative endeavors. With its rich blend of competition, recognition, and community, the Head On Photo Awards continues to be a pivotal event in the international photographic calendar, driving forward the boundaries of visual storytelling.

    The entry fee is $30 AUD.


    Open to photographers from all over the world, with all genres, interpretations, and styles of photography eligible for submission.


    The prize pool totals $70,000, with three main categories (Portrait, Landscape, Environmental) each awarding an overall winner AUD$10,000 cash. Winners and runners-up in these categories also receive additional prizes, such as a $300 book pack from Photobook Australia and annual subscriptions to Australian Geographic, Better Photography, and PhotoReview magazines. The Landscape category includes a special camera package supplied by OM Systems, valued at approximately $8,000.

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