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European Professional Photographer Of The Year 2016

    European Professional Photographer Of The Year 2016 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Photography
     Deadline:  December 31, 2015 - expired! August 14, 2015
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2016 aims to help promote the photographic profession and to raise the level of professional standards.

    There are nine categories:

    • Wedding
    • Portrait
    • Commercial
    • Fashion
    • Reportage/Photojournalism
    • Sports
    • Landscape
    • Wildlife
    • Illustration, Digital Art & Fine Art

    There is also one special section: Students and Young Photographers, open to the students of recognized schools of photography and to photographers and assistants under 25 year of age.

    The photographers may enter as many images into as many categories as they like. However, a minimum set of 3 images in the same category is required. Each submitted image must be larger than 4000 pixels on the longest side, and under 8mb in size. Submitted images must be standard RGB, saved in JPG.

    The copyright of all images submitted remains with the copyright holder.

    For photographers not members of a FEP member association there is an entry fee of 30 Euro for a first set of 3 images on each category. FEP members, EPs, QEPs or MQEPs and students, they are entitled to get discounts or free entries.


    Open to all professional photographers who are registered and resident in a European country (as defined by the Council of Europe), with no discrimination of sex, race, religion, nationality or ethnicity.


    The best photographer will be awarded the "FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2016" award. Ten additional awards – one for each competition category and a special award for student work – will be announced as well.

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