The seventh printed issue of AAP Magazine will feature the best projects showcasing the theme "Wild".
Wild animals, inhabited lands, unruly emotions or behavior, stormy weather... the definitions of wild are broad and can relate to animal, vegetable or mineral images. Unleash your passions, share your wild ideas and discoveries. Send your images - series preferably - celebrating the power of your wild imagination. The subject is completely up to you. Any capture method or process, whether digital or analog, including monochromatic toning, is welcome.
The contest is open to any photography interpretation of the theme, from photojournalism, street photography, artistic photography, portrait, nude, landscapes, nature, wildlife, urban, architecture, fashion, fine art or documentary photography.
You are welcome to submit up to 40 images. Photographs will be judged individually and not as a unified group of photos. Longest dimension should not exceed 1200 pixels, with a minimum size of 200 pixels. Digital file should not exceed 2 MB. No watermarks.
The Juror is Sandrine Hermand-Grisel, a professional photographer who specializes in Fine Art Photography and Printmaking.
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. The artist’s name and photo title will be included wherever the photographs are displayed.
Entry fee: 30 USD for the 3 first images. 5 USD for each additional image.
Open worldwide to professional and amateur photographers alike, age 18 and older.
Winners will receive 1,000 USD in cash awards, their winning image(s) or full portfolio published in AAP Magazine #7, extensive press coverage and global recognition.
All winners will have their work published in the seventh printed issue of AAP Magazine, a free copy of the magazine and their portfolio showcased in the AAP Winners Gallery.