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World Design Rankings 2020-2021

    World Design Rankings 2020-2021 | Graphic Competitions
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    World Design Rankings ranks all the countries based on the number of designers that have been granted with the A' Design Award. World Design Rankings is to Design what Olymics is to Sports, pushing countries to compete with their designers and innovative ideas and brain muscles.

    This year, China ranked as number 1 among the 108 represented countries, followed by United States of America, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, Great Britain, Taiwan, Germany, Turkey and Australia which took the top positions in 2020.

    Two new countries are included in the 2020-2021 rankings: Macau (China) and Iraq. While Countries in the Top 10 did not change, Hong Kong surpassed Great Britain, Taiwan and Germany surpassed Turkey.

    The ultimate aim of the world design rankings is to contribute to global design culture through advocating and highlighting good design. The rankings aim to provide a snapshot of the state-of-art and design potentials of countries worldwide by highlighting their creative strengths, design weaknesses and available opportunities.

    A’ Design Award and Competition, the sponsor of World Design Rankings, is the World’s most influential, most international and most diverse design accolade that is organized in over hundred creative disciplines and industrial sectors, reaching designers, artists, architects, makers, brands and businesses in almost all countries, with over billion logo impressions in internet, television, social media and traditional publications.

    Entries to the 2020–2021 competition is now open; interested designers, artists, architects and companies can register and submit their works HERE where further information regarding the design competition such as evaluation criteria, key dates, list of jury members, entry forms and presentation guidelines can be obtained.

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