Creating the perfect logo for your clients can take a long time. There are so many things to consider, so many aspects to get right. However, it can help to know exactly the kind of things that clients look for in logo designs. These are:
Most businesses have to operate on a tight budget. So, they want premium design services at low costs. This is where logo creator apps can help. These online logo designer applications use artificial intelligence technology to create unique and attractive logos in a matter of minutes. Many clients also turn to online graphics design contests to get their logo done at a small price.
As a professional graphics designer, you are likely to face a lot of competition whether you offer your services offline or online. So, you need to cut costs and reduce the turnaround time. One way to do that is to use tools and technologies that make your job easier which Coolors, Whatthefont, etc.
One of the things that separate great logos from good is simplicity. This is why one of the main things that clients look for in their logos is how simple and effective the design looks.
Contrary to popular belief, complex and grand logos aren’t as effective as their simpler counterparts. This is because simple designs are easy to memorize and clear with the messaging.
When someone pays money for a logo design, then they want a product that’s unlike anything else out there. So, it’s ok to check out popular designs for inspiration but you should be careful not to repeat any of the design elements that you like in your own design. Besides, copying designs can also invite a copyright infringement case which is something you don’t want.
Colors and Fonts
Clients may not exactly know what a logo’s color says about a company, but they can get a general idea of the message that a design is sending across. So, be sure to pick the right colors for a brand i.e. colors that reflect appropriate emotions and attributes (excitement, energy, growth, etc.). You also need to pay attention to the fonts as they can have a huge impact on the logo and the brand.
A logo that’s based on a current trend won’t last for long. As soon as the trend is over, the logo may start to become irrelevant and unpopular. The best logos are timeless i.e. they look terrific even after 5 years from or 10 years from now or even 20 years from now. There are many good examples to consider for this principle including Nike, Pepsi, Sony, etc.
Good logos are also scalable. In other words, they can be reduced to a small size or scaled to a large size and they will be legible either way. This feature is important because it allows entrepreneurs to put their logos on small objects like a pen or business card and big objects like bill-boards without ruining the design.
As you can see, there are all kinds of things that the clients look for in logo designs. They are smarter than ever, thanks to the information on the Internet. So, they will inspect their design carefully and may also point out mistakes, if there are any. It’s better to avoid these mistakes in the first place and create the perfect design in the first attempt. If anything, it will save you both time and effort.