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Shutterstock Launches The Create Fund

    Shutterstock Launches The Create Fund | Graphic Competitions
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    Shutterstock has launched a $300,000 grant program that will provide financial and professional support for artists around the globe focusing on diversity, inclusion, social justice and environmental awareness through the content they create.

    The Create Fund will be offered to underrepresented artists who are advancing the global mission of diversity and inclusion through their visual content. "Representation, whether behind or in front of the lens, is integral in creating authentic content that accurately reflects the world around us," commented Kristen Sanger, Sr. Director of Contributor Marketing at Shutterstock. "With The Create Fund, we’re hoping to use this global platform to showcase the stunning, interesting, and culturally relevant imagery that reflects the beautifully diverse world we live in, as well as support and enable more artists to create and share their unique and artistic perspectives."

    Artists including photographers, videographers, illustrators, composers or writers are open and encouraged to apply. Applicants must submit a project proposal, examples of their work, and a short biography by February 8, 2021 to be considered for the first three grants.

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