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Raffles Milano Fashion and Design Scholarships 2020/21

    Raffles Milano Fashion and Design Scholarships 2020/21 | Graphic Competitions
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    Raffles Milano will award 15 scholarships, where students can receive up to 50% coverage of the tuition fee, for the Masters programs starting November in:

    • Fashion Design and Business
    • Visual Design and Communication
    • Product and Interior Design
    • Photography

    The awards will be made on the basis of the student’s portfolio and motivational letter, which will be judged by the highly esteemed academic team of Raffles. There will be three evaluation periods, each with a different amount of scholarships allocated.

    • 7 scholarships awarded to those applying by March 20th
    • 5 Scholarships awarded to those applying by April 10th
    • 3 scholarships awarded to those applying by May 15th

    All courses will be starting in November 2020. All taught in English.


    RM Istituto Moda e Design
    Via Felice Casati, 16
    20124 - Milano

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