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Visible White Photo And Video Prize 2014

    Visible White Photo And Video Prize 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  March 10, 2014 - expired! December 16, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    UPDATE: deadline extended to 10 March 2014

    Visible White Photo and Video Prize was founded to support international photographers and video artists who engage, creatively, with what is moving personal, social and political issues today.

    The curators invite artists to reflect on the theme ’You See Me. Personal Identities in the Digital Age’: which values does artistic portrait photography have today in the digital age of social networks in which everyone can become a ‘do-it-yourself’ portait photographer?

    Images can be uploaded online in JPG or PNG; at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side.

    Artists retain copyright of all works and texts they upload, but they accept to authorize Celeste Network’s use of the materials they upload for communication and promotion purposes only.

    Entry fee is 20 Euro (approx. 26 USD) per single work uploaded directly online and 45 Euro (approx. 60 USD) per projects that can contain up to 10 photographs and/or videos.


    Photographers and videoartists, regardless of age, sex, occupation or geographic location can participate, as single individuals or in a group.


    Total of 3,000 Euro prizes (approx. 4,000 USD)

    • 2,000 Euro for the Best Project
    • 1,000 Euro for the Best Single Work

    In addition, a free workshop or course will be offered to a participating photographer or video artist at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence, Italy.

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