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To Death With A Smile Poster Contest 2017-2018

    To Death With A Smile Poster Contest 2017-2018 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  September 25, 2017 - expired! August 25, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Mexican Museum of Design is calling designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject to participate in the International Poster Contest "To Death with a Smile" 2017-2018.

    The aim is to promote the exercise of good design and to stimulate creativity, so we might see the diversity and language richness in different cultures around the world, giving by every participant their own special style.

    The subject is about death, a personal consideration or approach, the meaning in your own culture, how we fear, celebrate or deal with it. It can be reflected in a serious or playful way.

    Technique is freestyle but at the end it should be put into the requested electronic file format. Dimensions 60 cm x 90 cm, vertical. Format JPG with 300 DPI in RGB colours.

    Each participant may submit up to 3 proposals. You can enter the contest as an individual or a collective with no more than three participants.

    There is no entry fee.


    Opent o anyone worldwide, over 18 years of age.


    A selection of the best 400 to 500 posters will be exhibited at MUMEDI, from October 2017 to March 2018 in the Downtown area of Mexico City. In the month of February 2018 a special selection of some of the best posters will be exhibited in Finland at the Lahti Poster Museum.

    The best three designs will be awarded different Apple products.

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