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To Death With A Smile Poster Contest 2013

    To Death With A Smile Poster Contest 2013 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  October 14, 2013 - expired! July 22, 2013
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    The Mexican Museum of Design, represented by the MUMEDI Foundation with support of Adobe Systems, call designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject, to participate in the international poster contest To Death with a Smile.

    The aim is to promote the exercise of good design and to stimulate creativity, so we might see the diversity and language richness in different cultures around the world, giving by every participant their own special style.

    Subject is about death, a personal consideration or approach, the meaning in your own culture, how we fear, celebrate or deal with it. It can be reflected in serious or playful way.

    Technique is freestyle but at the end it should go through any of the Adobe Software Family. Dimensions 60 cm x 90 cm, vertical. Format JPG with 200 DPI in RGB colors. Each participant may submit up to 3 proposals. You can enter the contest as an individual or a collective with no more than three participants.

    There is no entry fee.


    Designers, illustrators, artists, public in general or people with graphic representation background and anyone interested from any nationality, over 18 years of age.


    1st Prize:
    • 1 Apple Mac Air Computer
    • 3 Night stay at MUMEDI´s unique Boutique Hotel, meals included in MUMEDI restaurant.
    • 1 Year Membership for Adobe Creative Cloud
    • 1 One year Total Suscription to Online traning on video2brain
    • 1 A 2,000 pesos ( 180 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

    2nd Prize:
    • 1 Year Membership for Adobe Creative Cloud
    • 1 iPod Touch
    • 1 One year Suscription to Online traning on video2brain
    • 1 A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

    3rd Prize:
    • 1 Year Membership for Adobe Creative Cloud
    • 1 Six months Suscription to Online traning on video2brain
    • 1 A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

    Popular Selection Prize:
    • 1 Year Membership for Adobe Creative Cloud
    All exhibition visitors will vote during the first month for their favorite poster and the winner will get a special printed acknowledgment.

    Honorary Mentions:
    • 1 Month Suscription to Online traning on video2brain

    Moreover, the best 300 to 400 entries will be exhibited at the Mexican Museum of Design from November 2013, and in 2014 in the Downtown Historic Center of Mexico City.

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