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Premio Combat Prize 2014

    Premio Combat Prize 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  April 19, 2014 - expired! January 15, 2014
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    Premio Combat Prize was born with the purpose of investigating the most interesting ideas in international contemporary art. The name Combat draws its conceptual inspiration from combat films, videos shot by American military cameramen during World War II battles. Combat films, often shot on the frontline and live, filmed the horrors of the war to document and show to the American people - not yet used to reality TV - what was going on, including the most bloody events.

    Premio Combat Prize shares the same objective, which is maybe ambitious but certainly effective from a cultural viewpoint: to go to the frontline to search for different trends in the international art world and to document at the same time the new artistic languages as they develop. It represents a new kind of research model based on a cultural discourse which is free from any commercial constrictions.

    There are five categories:

    • Painting
    • Photography
    • Graphic Arts
    • Video Arts
    • Sculpture and Installation

    It is possible to enter more than one artwork in the same category or in the five different categories. The selection of the works will be carried out by an artistic jury composed of seven members. After the initial short-listing the based on the entry applications and submissions, artists will be asked to send their original artworks to be included in the collective exhibition.

    The registration fee is 50 EUR (approx. 68 USD) for each artwork entered.


    This competition is open to any contemporary artist from anywhere in the world. There are neither age restrictions nor thematic constraints.


    This Prize entails the selection of 80 artworks and will culminate in the exhibition of the finalists, the publication of a catalogue, and the award of money prizes and three artist- in-residence scholarships.

    • 6,000 EUR (approx. 8,180 USD) to the winner of Painting category
    • 6,000 EUR to the winner of the Photography category
    • 4,000 EUR to the winner of the Graphic Arts category
    • 4,000 EUR to the winner of the Video Arts category
    • 4,000 EUR to the winner of the Sculpture and Installation category

    The exhibition, as well as the judging and award ceremony, will be held in Livorno, Italy from June 21 to July 5, 2014.

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