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Poster Stellars 2024

    Poster Stellars 2024 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  July 4, 2024 - expired! March 29, 2024
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The Poster Stellars 2024 competition, now in its fourth year, emerges as a pivotal platform for showcasing the brilliance and innovation within the global design community. Hosted by Poster Stellars LLC in New Jersey, USA, this distinguished event invites artists and designers from across the globe to exhibit their talents. The 2024 iteration embraces the captivating theme of "Time~Travel," challenging entrants to transcend conventional boundaries through their poster designs. This theme not only provokes participants to extend their creative horizons but also to delve into the potential of the future and the narratives of the past, serving as an exceptional opportunity for artistic exploration and expression.

    At its core, the contest is dedicated to empowering new and veteran designers and artists, facilitating a platform where they can attain visibility on an international level. By striving for inclusivity, Poster Stellars 2024 democratizes access to the global stage for creatives from varied backgrounds and cultures, fostering a rich diversity of ideas and representations. With categories that cater to published, unpublished, and animated posters, the competition acknowledges the broad spectrum of graphic design. This broad inclusivity not only amplifies the event’s allure but also contributes significantly to the global discourse on design, inviting a myriad of voices and perspectives to the conversation.

    Poster Stellars 2024 distinguishes itself as a premier venue for graphic designers, illustrators, and artists keen on pushing the boundaries of their creative capacity and achieving worldwide recognition. The competition’s focus on "Time~Travel" as a theme sets it apart from other contests, promising a display of forward-thinking and speculative designs that contemplate the future while being inspired by the past. With the submission deadline set for July 4, 2024, designers from all over the world are encouraged to participate, joining a global celebration of creativity and innovation that transcends the conventional limits of time and space.

    Entry fee is $30 USD for professionals and $15 USD for student.


    Open to all designers, illustrators, and artists 18 years of age or older from any part of the world.


    The main awards include the Grand Stellar (Trophy & Certificate) for the Best of the Show, Gold Stellar (Trophy & Certificate) for each category, Silver Stellar (Digital Certificate) for each category, and Bronze Stellar (Digital Certificate) for each category. Additionally, there are continent-specific awards: Africa Stellar, Antarctica Stellar, Asia Stellar, Australia Stellar, Europe Stellar, North America Stellar, and South America Stellar, each accompanied by a Trophy & Certificate.

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