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Nuovi Mondi International Creative Contest

    Nuovi Mondi International Creative Contest | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  September 23, 2014 - expired! June 25, 2014
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    Nuovi Mondi (Italian for New Worlds) is the first creative contest promoted by CORTE, a new co-working space based in Rome born with the intent to join the professional and cultural world keeping a profile based on affinities of its entrants: a passion for arts, architecture, research and communication.

    Participants are asked to express their perception of New Worlds through re-interpretation of a real place or the creation of an imaginary one. All creative areas are welcome (art, illustration, design, architecture, set design, illustration and animation, digital art, audio visual installations, fashion, video art, photography, writing, poetry, technology).

    Participants are invited to look for innovation in the visionary power, in the interdisciplinary work, experimentation, craftsmanship, critical spirit, the ability to establish connections from creativity.

    CORTE believes that the contamination of complementary and twistable skills is the fundamental way for the definition of new creative and professional possibilities and that explains the reason why the contest requires the formation of workgroups in which interdisciplinary talent is recommended.

    Nuovi Mondi are evolving organisms and microcosms in which propelling forces of different natures catalyze energy and trigger unexpected transformations. Imaginary worlds where ideas are free to rotate around each pole, contaminating other life and new insights. Nuovi Mondi as new visions, new landscapes, new colours, new materials. Universes of words, numbers, lines and shapes. Physical and virtual, stratified and multi-cultural spaces where borders are exceeded and new mechanisms of interaction become possible.

    The works submitted remain property of the artists.

    There is no entry fee.


    The contest is open to everyone, regardless of age, nationality, qualifications or curriculum.


    There will be a collective exhibition in Rome for ten finalist proposals. Among them there will be chosen the winning proposal, an innovative project that will get a personal exhibition.

    CORTE will deal with the communication and promotional management of the finalists and winner works: preparation and publication of the catalogue, press office, graphics and video documentation of events.

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