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Model Young Package 2020

    Model Young Package 2020 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  June 15, 2020 - expired! March 23, 2020
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    The Model Young Package competition has been giving an opportunity to hundreds of designers all around the world to present their original ideas. A lot of young designers who won in the past have later become respected professionals.

    Today, the competition is organized internationally and is the largest competition of its kind in the world. Each year, almost a thousand designers from over 60 countries worldwide sign-up. The jury of experts evaluates the artworks that must be delivered physically as functional prototypes in 1:1 scale.

    The topic of the 2020 edition is: Personal Care.

    The Model Young Package contest has two categories. Students of secondary and tertiary professional schools can apply for the High Schools category. The second category is for university students and designers of any age.

    The material used must be a material that can be polygraphically processed and of the type used by the company Model Obaly, mainly a whole range of corrugated cardboards, smooth and laminated cardboard. Additional materials can be used as supplementary material.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open worldwide to students and designers of any age.


    There is a total of 6,200 EUR (approx. 6,670 USD) in cash prizes prepared for the winners. For one chosen there is also a great opportunity for three weeks of a paid internship in the Model Obaly Innovation Center.

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