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Mars Exploration Zone Map Design Competition

    Mars Exploration Zone Map Design Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  September 1, 2016 - expired! April 26, 2016
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    2035 marks the target date for the first human landing on Mars as planned by NASA. In 2015, 47 landing sites or Exploration Zones, each 200 km in diameter, have been proposed by the planetary science community. These should be mapped in high detail in the forthcoming years to enable proper comparison of the 47 sites and the selection of the 1 finalist.

    The project is to select one candidate landing site and design an actual map that you envision will be useful in surface operations. You are asked to not simply create a geologic map, but rather a product that can be used by the astronauts during their approximately one-year long mission within the Exploration Zone. This requires creativity, and it is also useful to have a good knowledge of surface features, surface hazards, science goals and the use of the proper cartographic tools.

    There are two main categories:

    • Middle or High School Students
    • University students and Young Professionals (age limit: 18-35 years old)

    The display and format of the maps entirely up to the participants. All submitted maps must be accompanied by a short paper (in the English language).

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to students, cartographers, and graphic artists from all countries.


    Winning maps from each division will receive the following prizes:

    • Middle or High School Students

    The winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and honorable mentions) get a certificate, and their maps will be sent to the principal investigators of their chosen Exploration Zone. Winners in this category will also receive global planetary geologic maps or children’s planetary maps (of their choice). The papers of the winners will be considered for publication at the 2017 International Cartographic Conference. In this category we encourage collaboration; there is no limit to how many participants are in a middle or high school student group.

    • University students and Young Professionals

    The winner (1st prize) of this category will be invited to the 2017 International Cartographic Conference (July 2-7, 2017) where their costs, including travel to the conference, will be covered. The winner will receive their award at a Washington, DC ceremony (a VISA may be required for foreign nationals to enter the USA).

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