Now in its third edition, the LOOP Design Awards mission is to become one of the most prestigious and recognized international Award in Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Product Design, Architecture Photography and Architecture Video.
LOOP is an open platform to creativity and talent, where all the entrants may showcase their best works, giving them great visibility around the world.
You can submit your entries into 110 categories falling into eight main disciplines: Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Product Design, Architecture Photography, Architecture Video, Best Firm and Themed Categories.
All the Architecture, Interior and Product entries submitted to LOOP must be projects completed in the past five years. The only exception are the categories ‘Concept and Unbuild’ for projects that are still in the concept phase or were never built. Landscape Design entries must be projects finished in the past ten years. Architecture Photography and Video are not time limited. Student entries are accepted for submission only in the Concept & Unbuilt Category.
Launched in 2020, with an incredible growing success of participation, LOOP has now received more than 1000 entries from 55 different countries.
More info can also be found on this PDF file.
Open worldwide to all designers, creatives, photographers, videographers and individuals involved in architecture, interior design, landscape design, product design and architecture photography/video. Press companies and clients may also enter on behalf of design firms.
The main winners of the LOOP Design Awards are eligible to receive the Winners Trophy, with their entries highlighted and feature on LOOP Design Awards Winners directory throughout the coming year and a lifetime customized winner page.