Organised by artistic association Otwarta Pracownia in close cooperation with UMCS Maria Curie (Skłodowska University in Lublin), the International Student Poster Biennale is the biggest international young poster competition in Poland.
Apart from being a cultural event, Biennale is a great opportunity to follow and compare the achievments of young artists from various countries. The first edition, held in 2013, has drawn more than 1000 submissions from over 20 countries. This variety of multicultural perspectives has aroused a lot of interest and appreciation. The competition has created a space for dialogue and discussion, as the works have touched upon different subject matters, at the same time displaying high esthetic value.
There are three categories:
• Free subject
• The 700th Anniversary of Lublin's Charter
• The 70th Anniversary of the end of WW II
Each participant may submit any number of works or a series of works in each category. Dimension: 100x70 cm (landscape or portrait). You are welcome to send your printed works by post, or you may choose to have them printed directly in Lublin (40 PLN, approx. 10 USD for the printing of each work).
The submitted posters must be entirely designed by the entrants.
There is no entry fee.
Open worldwide to all undergraduate and graduate students of art or architecture faculties, as well as to professional artists, up to the age of 36.
Total estimated prize value over 20,000 PLN (approx. 5,380 USD). All prizes and distinctions will be given at the 2nd Poster Biennale award gala, on 4th December 2015 in Labirynt Gallery in Lublin, Poland.
Moreover, a colour catalogue of ISPB will be published in digital and print form. It will include the works selected by the Jury for the exhibition.