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HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Awards

    HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Awards | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  April 10, 2017 - expired! February 16, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    HOW's longest-running design competition, the HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Awards, is the only award that specifically recognizes outstanding promotion design work. HOW's Promotion Design Awards celebrates design work that's engaging, memorable and effective at moving the viewer toward action.


    • Client Promotions
    • Designer Self- Promotions
    • Personal Promotions
    • Pro-Bono Promotions
    • Illustrator Promotions
    • Photographer Promotions
    • Student Promotions
    • Miscellaneous Promotions

    You may submit up to 10 files per entry (10 MB per file). File formats for digital images include: .jpg and .jpeg only (do not submit .tif, .png, .pdf or .gif files) in RGB color mode no smaller than 3 inches for the shortest dimension at 300 dpi.

    If the entry is a website, please include screen captures or still images based on the size and file format specifications above for production in the magazine.If the entry is a video, file formats include: .mov; .avi; .mp4; .wma. Please include screen captures or still images based on the size and file format specifications above for production in the magazine.

    All early-bird entries must be submitted no later than March 13, 2017 (entry fees start from 40 USD). Entries submitted after March 13, 2017 must add 10 USD per entry to the early-bird pricing. Entries submitted after April 10, 2017 will not be accepted.


    Open to anyone worldwide.


    • Best Of Show Winner scores a free registration to HOW DESIGN LIVE 2018, plus an award to be presented at the conference and will enjoy a 2-page spread in the Fall Issue of HOW.

    All Winners (Best of Show, Outstanding Achievement and Merit Winners) will see their work in HOW's FALL 2017 issue, will receive a 100 USD discount on any HOW Design Live 2018 registration and will be announced in a feature article on and featured in its online gallery.

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