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Green Product Award 2024

    Green Product Award 2024 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  November 7, 2023 - expired! August 21, 2023
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The Green Product Awards, launched in 2013, celebrate and showcase the finest sustainable design products and concepts from around the globe. Geared towards start-ups and companies offering innovative and eco-friendly solutions, the Awards highlight 14 distinct categories, such as Architecture & Tiny Houses, Beauty & Personal Care, Building Components, Consumer Goods, Fashion, Freestyle, Interior & Lifestyle, Kids, Kitchen, Mobility, New Materials, Packaging, Sport, and Workspace. With a top-notch international jury, media partnerships, exhibitions, and networking opportunities facilitated by the Green Future Club, the Awards have become a thriving ecosystem for sustainable pioneers.

    In its 11th edition, the Green Product Award continues to champion sustainability, innovation, and exceptional design. The Awards provide a platform for both established companies and promising start-ups to gain recognition, receive feedback from expert jurors, and benefit from a range of services that amplify their sustainable achievements. The Green Future Club, a global network constantly growing through new members and events, offers active networking, experience-sharing, training, innovation inspiration, joint exhibitions, and the development of sustainable showcases, fostering a robust community of like-minded individuals committed to shaping a greener future.

    The Green Product Awards reaches a vast audience, annually raising awareness for sustainable products and services through its Award Gallery, public voting, media channels, international partner publications, trade fairs, and exhibitions. Whether participants secure an award or not, they receive valuable feedback for future improvements, encouraging a culture of continuous sustainability enhancement. With its commitment to promoting responsible design and fostering connections among green pioneers, the Green Product Awards stand as a pivotal platform for advancing sustainable practices globally.

    The entry fees vary depending on the category and type of participant. Students and graduates can participate free of charge in the Green Concept Award.


    Open to start-ups and established companies worldwide that offer sustainable products and services. There is also a special category for Hispanic design studios.


    The Green Product Award offers three levels of recognition: 1st Nominee, 2nd Winner, and 3rd Best of the categories. Nominees receive a seal for advertising rights, an award certificate, and a project portrait in the Sustainable Directory. Winners and Best of category recipients receive additional benefits, such as integration into partner publications, participation in the Green Product Audience Award, and exposure in the Green Trend Book.

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