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Designpreis Halle 2014

    Designpreis Halle 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  January 31, 2014 - expired! September 6, 2013
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    Designpreis Halle is calling for designs from all over the world that examine the topic Water in an intense and creative manner – be it product-oriented or process-oriented. It may include inventing new services or suggesting innovative applications or user strategies but also designing products that address our treatment of water as a resource or examine the sensual qualities of water as a material.

    Water is one of the elementary requirements for life on earth. The human body consists of 60 percent water. About 71percent of the surface of the earth is covered with water. Waters are precious habitats for plants and animals and are of high ecological importance. Water is our most important aliment and as such, it gets worryingly scarce.

    As a topic, it is of high current and global significance; therefore, it can raise a multitude of ecological, economic, ethic and social questions and can lead to the most different applications but also to theoretical and socio-cultural questions.

    The number of entries is limited to one entry per participant or participating team. Participants/teams may submit a maximum of three DIN A2 posters mounted on card-covered rigid foam board (Kapa board), showing products, designs or concepts (i. e. design drawings, models, animation or prototypes).

    An additional DVD may be submitted only in the case of video formats (H.264, Quicktime, MPEG4, max. length three minutes) or in the case of interactive presentations (PDF, Flash).

    Registration and submission of competition entries deadline is January 31, 2014. Submission of the nominated works between April 16 and May 01, 2014.

    There is no entry fee.


    Designers and students of all design disciplines who have not reached 40 years of age on the closing date for submission (January 31, 2014) are admitted to the competition.


    Designpreis Halle 2014 carries prize money of altogether Euro 10,000 (approx. 13,000 USD). The appraisal procedure and the division of the prize money will be determined by the jury. Beyond that, the jury can award one or more special mentions.

    The award ceremony and exhibition opening will take place on June 03, 2014.

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