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Creative Nude Art International Competition

    Creative Nude Art International Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  May 31, 2014 - expired! April 4, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Erotic Signature is very excited to announce the 2014 call for entries for one of the world’s largest Nude Art Competitions. They are looking for talented artists and photographers to show the world's best and most creative nude artworks.

    There are five categories:

    • Fine art
    • Digital art
    • Photography
    • Sculpture
    • Mixed Media

    In general there are no restrictions on the nature of the artwork, Erotic Signature wants to encourage art expressing every sexuality and subject matter, heterosexual, gay and lesbian, transsexual, fetish and alternative lifestyles; however all work must not move outside of the boundaries of consenting sexuality. Remember, the key word is "Creativity".

    Artists are allowed to enter more than one category, if so desired. However, the limit of 5 entries (max) per individual artist applies as the number of total allowed entries.

    Although there's no time limit on the images being submitted into the competition, all competing artists must be alive at the time of submission; meaning a relative, agent, or heir is not allowed to enter artworks for an artist who has already passed away.

    A list of winning artists will be posted on the Erotic Signature’s web site. Also, artists with winning entries will be notified by e-mail, and receive instructions to submit their high-res images for the book.

    Entry fee: $20 per image.


    This competition is open to all artists and photographers from any part of the world. Whether you are already established as an artist, on the way up or a complete unknown, you are welcome to submit your entry.


    In addition to $10,000 in cash prizes, this competition awards opportunities for artists to present their work to an international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and others who appreciate nude fine arts and photography.

    All the participating winning artworks (book winners and category prize winners) will be published in "World’s Greatest Erotic Art of Today - Vol. 5".

    Your winning artwork featured in ARTundressed, an International Nude Art Exhibition that will take place during the weekend of November 20 -22, 2014 in Miami, USA.

    All winners will be eligible to offer their artworks for sale in the Erotic Signature's Online Store (soon to be launched).

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