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Creative Communication Award 2021

    Creative Communication Award 2021 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  August 15, 2021 - expired! April 19, 2021
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [link]

    The Creative Communication Award (C2A), now in its third edition, is an international award program, and promotional platform for communication designers, agencies, graphic designers, freelancers, digital media designers, and the worldwide creative community.

    The mission of the Creative Communication Award is to promote creativity, excellence and outstandingly executed ideas in graphic design, communication, advertising and digital media.

    Professional, amateur and student creatives are invited to submit their most compelling designs for consideration in this prestigious competition. All submissions should be no older than 5 years. Copyright and all other rights remain with the entrant.

    Entry fee starts from 20 USD (get 10% off when submitting before the Extended Early Bird deadline on May 31).


    Open worldwide to anyone aged 18+.


    Winners will receive a framed certificate and winner logo, be featured in the online gallery exhibition and in the Book of Creative Communication, among other benefits.

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