Enter the most prestigious competitions for creativity in graphic design and advertising, the Communication Arts Design & Advertising Competitions, now in its 60th year.
Entries can be submitted in the following formats:
• Print Entries - must be sent by mail/courier. Do not tape series together. Send all multi-page projects in bound form. Any project over 18" x 24" must be submitted as digital images. If you enter a project in multiple categories and wish to submit printed samples, you must send an additional sample for each entry with the appropriate form attached. Trademarks must be centered on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet. Place the company name and nature of the business under the mark.
• Digital Images - must be RGB in JPG format with a maximum width of 1024 pixels and a maximum height of 768 pixels at 72 dpi. Digital images will be projected for the judges using an HD projector on a 6' x 4' screen.
• Audio/Visual Entries - all video entries must be sent on disk in Quicktime or MPG format, with a maximum screen size of 1024 wide x 768 high. Include 4 seconds of black, no slates or bars, at the beginning of the piece. Single entries must be on individual disks. Series should be edited together on one disk with 2 seconds of black between each entry. Tape an entry form, generated at the end of the registration process, to the outside of each disk case.
Entry fees start from 20 USD.
Please note, the initial deadline to register work is May 3, 2019. Entries submitted after that date require a 10 USD per entry late fee. No entries will be accepted after May 17, 2019.
Any design or advertising project printed, published or aired for the first time from May 2018 through May 2019 is eligible.
Selected by a jury of leading design professionals, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Design and Advertising Annuals, in print and on the iPad, and on commarts.com, assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work.
Moreover, each winning entrant will receive a personalized Award of Excellence, milled from solid aluminium, and award certificates issued for firms, individuals and clients.