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Art Books Wanted International Award 2014

    Art Books Wanted International Award 2014 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  May 14, 2014 - expired! May 8, 2014
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    The Art Book Publisher Edition Lidu has the pleasure to announce the launch of Art Books Wanted International Award 2014. The 3rd edition brings a new prize for the winner and many interesting opportunities for participant artists and authors.

    The Award searches for:

    • Author’s books and zines
    • Graphic books
    • Comic strips
    • Illustrated short stories
    • Photo books
    • Hand-printed books
    • Pop-up books
    • PDF Layouts
    • Interactive books and stories

    All submissions can be:

    • Prototype/model in volume or layout (PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, etc.)
    • Created as a unique piece of art, which is mentioned not to be reproduced
    • Self-published in limited edition or small edition
    • Digital media (iBooks, ePub, APPS, MAC/PC Apps, etc.) published or unpublished.

    There are no limitations in the subject matter, style or used media.

    Entry fee: Students 10 Euro (approx. 14 USD) / Professionals 25 Euro (approx. 35 USD).


    The Call for Entries is open to established and emerging Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, Typographers, Photographers, Designers, Writers, Small or Independent Publishers, Museums & Galleries and Art & Design Students.

    Submissions are welcome from individuals and creative Studios/Teams. There are no age, language or nationality limitations.


    Artworks and Authors selected in the 1st round will be presented on the website and communicated via the official Newsletter internationally.

    The Winner and Authors selected in the 2nd round will be presented and communicated internationally to art and design magazines, museums, institutions and other media. The Winner will receive the prize of 1,000 Euro (approx. 1,400 USD) and the Official ABW International Award Certificate.

    Moreover, selected Artists will have the opportunity to show their work during international exhibitions and will be considered for publishing by Edition Lidu.

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