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AGAFA 2013

    AGAFA 2013 | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  November 10, 2013 - expired! September 9, 2013
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    Annual Graphics and Animation Films Awards (AGAFA) is an annual award system to recognize excellence among animators, graphic designers and related artists' community in India.

    The award is instituted by the Society for Animation in Delhi (SAID), a non-profit body of independent and voluntary animators, graphic artists and others in related arts.

    It attempts to put original and creative production of animation and graphic arts in a perspective that aims to encourage and augment intellectual property creation by animators and graphics artists. An annual competition for graphic design, digital painting and animation films is held to identify those who will receive the awards.

    AGAFA 2013 is the first in the series of such endeavors. Leveraging on the achievements of our past years, AGAFA and its competitions will be a stepping stone for ushering in animation production of quality and standards that compete with the global, expanding membership so as to take “Cartoons beyond Kids” towards mature viewership also, while providing invaluable exposure for animation filmmakers, graphic designers and other related artists, in the local, regional, national and global arena.

    There are three segments in the competition:

    • Graphic Design
    • Digital Painting
    • Animation Films

    each having its own themes and subject and carrying three prize positions. Marks will be allotted on a scale of 1 to 10 for originality of thought, creative visuals, quality of visuals, first time submission and impact of the creation.

    There is no entry fee.


    The competition is open to all individuals - students and professionals in India.


    There will be First, Second and Third prize positions. Five consolation prizes will also be awarded in each segment.

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