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7th International Biennial Of Socio-Political Poster

    7th International Biennial Of Socio-Political Poster | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  April 10, 2018 - expired! December 22, 2017
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    Organised by the Foundation for the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim, Poland, the 7th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial aims to express through art the need for a civilisation of human rights arising from a culture of respect for the dignity of man, his natural freedom, and the principle of solidarity.

    Each author can contribute maximum three posters in the form of digital, offset or screen printouts. The minimum size of a poster is 50x70 cm and the maximum one 100x70 cm.

    If the poster content includes inscriptions made in other languages than European, please enter translations of all such inscriptions into Polish, English, German, or Russian.

    All entries for this competition must be sent by post.

    There is no entry fee.


    Open worldwide to professional artists from all over the world.


    There are several prizes, including:

    • Grand Prize: 5,000 PLN (approx. 1,410 USD)
    • 2nd Prize: 3,000 PLN (approx. 845 USD)
    • 3rd Prize: 2,000 PLN (approx. 560 USD)

    Moreover, posters qualified to the 2018 Biennial will be presented at the main Exhibition to be held at MDSM in Oświęcim in the autumn of 2018, followed by a series of exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

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