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4th Eros Awards Fine Art Nudes Competition

    4th Eros Awards Fine Art Nudes Competition | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Multiple Disciplines
     Deadline:  June 30, 2016 - expired! May 11, 2016
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
     Visit Website:  [Link]

    TZIPAC is excited to launch the 4th Eros Awards. This is an international juried competition that celebrates the magic of fine art nude photography, honouring the finest in classic and contemporary nude photography and artworks from around the world.

    There are four categories:

    • Erotic/Provocative/Sensual
    • Fine Art and Open
    • Lines, Curves and Shapes
    • Portrait and Editorial

    The Fine Art and Open category is not just to allow the freedom of interpretation and subject choices, but also open to different medium, such as painting, digital art, etc. All non-photographic artworks must be photographed for submission.

    Entrants are encouraged to explore their own unique understanding of the meaning and boundaries of what constitutes "Fine Art Nude Photography". However, submitted artworks must not move beyond the boundaries of consenting sexuality. All models who are featured in submitted artworks must be 18 years old and over.

    Images must be in JPG/JPEG format, 8 bit, 1500pixels on the longest side, 72 dpi, and have maximum file size of 500KB. Colour space should be RGB or sRGB. Images must have no border, nor marks or logos identifying the artists.

    There is a two phase entry fees system, designed to encourage a broader range of participants:

    • Stage 1: Initial entry fee is only 1 USD per image.
    • Stage 2: Additional entry fee for qualifying in Stage 2 is 20 USD per image with total fees capped at 100 USD. In other words, once you reconfirm 5 images for Stage 2, any extra entries are reconfirmed free.


    Open to any photographers over the age of 18 from around the world.


    One Grand Winner will receive 2,000 USD (payable via Paypal), and the title of "TZIPAC Fine Art Nudes Photographer of the Year". The grand winner will be chosen from the pool of category winners from both the professionals and non-professionals divisions.

    Each category will have up to three winners, 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place, at the discretion of the jurors. All 1st Place winners will also be receiving a beautiful TZIPAC medal stored in a rosewood display case to commemorate their outstanding achievements.

    The judges will also select a limited number of Finalists alongside the major winners mentioned above. Moreover, all Finalists and Category Winners will be exhibited in the TZIPAC online gallery.

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