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VI Tragaluz International Illustration Award

    VI Tragaluz International Illustration Award | Graphic Competitions
     Category:  Illustration
     Deadline:  August 15, 2021 - expired! June 21, 2021
     View/print as PDF:  A4 size - A5 size
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    Organised by Tragaluz Editores, the sixth edition of the Tragaluz International Illustration Award asks illustrators worldwide to reflect and contribute ideas about what the word “revolution” means nowadays, and what possibilities it opens for the future of our communities.

    Each artist may submit only one illustration. You are free to use any technique of your choice.

    The attached illustration must be a high-quality JPG image file (100% – RGB). It can be either horizontal or vertical in direction, and must not exceed 5 megabytes and 150 dpi. Submitted illustrations have to be unpublished and have not been submitted to other competitions recently. Artists will keep ownership of their works.

    Illustrations should be submitted to [email protected], including your personal data (full name, age, ID number, nationality).

    There is no entry fee.


    Open to illustrators from all countries.


    Tragaluz will choose one single winner. They will sign a contract for seven million Colombian pesos (approx. 1,900 USD) to create the illustrations for a book that will be published by Tragaluz.

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